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Haunting mysteries of the Academy

June 25th, 2021 the Strawberry Moon.

On December 25th we all know we celebrate the great feast of Christmas, 6 months prior to that on June 25th a group of alumni with me Brother Ed gathered in front of Benet Hall to reminisce, to recall memories from the past, and also memories to make present among ourselves.

With the help of Miss Mary Pat, who graduated in the 80s helped me organize for the first time a gathering that would be a awesome experience, and an experience that we hope that will continue.

One of the things I found fascinating was that we had people from the 70s 80s 90s and way into the 200s, reminiscing about things that had happened to them, and it is interesting, to hear the stories, that keep surfacing. Stories that continue to hold tradition and mystery at the same time.

Stories such as babies crying, doors slamming, voices in the gymnasium, roller skating sounds in the silence of the night in the old gym.

It gave me a great deal of personal pride to hear some of the awesome stories that are alumni continue to be strengthened by because of their influence in the Christian Catholic tradition.

To see young people all the way up to our age people in their 50s and 60s saying that Jesus is the center of their life Jesus is life Jesus is light.

It's also very interesting to note, that's they are strong to this day with their faith, and their beliefs. For example we began our meeting with prayer and we ended with prayer. And we asked Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica with Saint Francis and Saint Clare to watch over us to guide us to protect us as we continue on our journey of life.

All I kept saying to myself is that, Jesus always enjoyed a gathering of his disciples and that's what it seemed to be, we were Jesus's disciples gathering together for fun and the enjoyment for Holy leisure.

We began at 7:00 p.m., and ended at 10:00 p.m. . Every moment during those 3 hours were precious and informative. Lots of stories We corrected, lots of stories We enjoyed, because they were true in their form and they they didn't change much. Which tells me once again the traditions at Benet continue to be very strong.

Our next gathering will take place on the last Friday of July and it will be again the same format 7 to 10, bring your own chair and soft drink, and a story or two to share. I hope to see all of you again soon and remember God continues to walk with us in each moment of our lives at each moment in time. Amen.

Just a side note from our younger alumni that were gathering they explained to me all the different things they do now for the annual Christmas drive, and I am just so edified at the kindness and the generosity that the young people at Benet Academy continue to be. May God bless each and every one of them.

The author


  1. Nice picture! Can't believe Brother Ed isn't wearing orange lol.


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