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It's in the Attic.

In March of this year 2021 to be specific on St Patrick Eve we friars moved into our new friary, located in Joliet, IL in the Timberline area off of Black Road.

The house is nestled in the woods in a very retreat like atmosphere, beautiful with a babbling creek running through the back. We've seen deer Fox and woodchucks not to mention squirrels and rabbits that seem to inhabit our backyard.

Just before we moved in I went over to check out the entire house. When I got down into the basement area which is half finished and half storage, I went into the storage room area. As I was looking around, the door shut on its own. From that very moment I knew there was something very strange going on in that house, at the same time I was enthralled that something like this was going to happen. Just think, living in a haunted house, just what I always wanted in my life.

Right after we moved in, I asked where do you think the attic might be, and one of the friars said I don't think there really is an addict, and I said no there's got to be an attic.

So I was looking around and I had in my room called the primary room, two passageways secret passageways, that entered from the left and the right of the tub and fireplace area. I found out that the plumber who came over had to go through one of those areas, the one located closer, to my fireplace in the bedroom area.

One morning I woke up and the door on the right side of the tub crawl space was opened, it kind of frightened me because I thought now how did that happen. Well we found out from the plumber that they open up accidentally because they're not really drilled shut like they're supposed to be.

This weekend Memorial weekend 2021. I got up like I usually do went into the bathroom area after I took my shower I opened up my closet to get clothing to wear, and for some reason I looked up in the ceiling and there the door of the attic that I discovered about a month before was open on a cockeyed angle.

What could have caused that to happen? I know we've had some pretty strong winds, so I thought maybe during the winds that were happening the last couple days blew open that door. But how odd to have the attic door open up like that and on an angle.

Sometimes during the middle of the night, I wake and I would hear strange sounds in my room, strange sounds from my bathroom area and not know where and why that would be happening.

Just the other day I was downstairs watching TV and it sounded as if somebody was walking upstairs, and nobody was there. Two other friars that live told me that after I had left, my door slammed shut after I knew it was already closed and securely shut, and then, it was back open again with something holding the door from slamming again. It alarmed the friars because they thought, is there someone in the house, but they didn't see anybody I was gone? So the question is right now I believe that we have stirred something up in our house. The owner of the house Miss Rose of which we are going to name the friary after her St Rose of Verbito. Saint Rose was a Franciscan secular, who loved being in nature and who also had a keen sense of hospitality. We all hope that her name and intercession will guide us in the same virtues as she exhibited in her life.

So I would say, "stay tuned," stay alert, for the next adventures of It's in the Attic.

The author.


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