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Springtime is in the air.

As I prepare myself for sleep. I hear the wind blowing, and the awesome aroma of lilac permeating my room through my window. The temperature outside is about 58°, it is just perfect for rest.

I hear the wrestling of bushes and the screeches of coyote. An owl is hooting in the background, and the brook is babbling through my yard. It's a perfect evening for a haunting. One thing nice about living in the Timberline area is that is full of nature and the sounds of nature especially at night. What lurks in the fields in the woods along the creek? I hear growling outside, could it be sasquash or is it my imagination?

What a relaxing evening, and now I just spend in these last moments before I fall into a deep sleep, saying thank you God for such a wonderful and beautiful day. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be open to your Spirit as I moved throughout the day. As I drift away I can still smell the fresh lilac what a wonderful evening you have provided for me. The stars are out and the cool breeze is gently on my face.

Thank you God and may I rest this night giving thanks to you for all the many blessings you have shown me. Bless my family friends and community that we continue to be strengthened by your love. Protect my firefighters keep them safe at all times walk with them at every moment. Protect our police officers and all those in military service. We pray especially this evening for all those who have been affected by the covid-19 pandemic. Those who had the loss of loved ones.

We pray for all those who receive the vaccination today especially our youth. May they continue to be strengthened and not be afraid of this vaccination, it truly will bring them to understanding and peace.

We adore you most holy Lord Jesus Christ, here and in all your churches throughout the whole world and we praise you, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world. Amen. 

Peace and all good. Wake me in the morning filled with your love.

The author


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