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Severe Thunderstorms - the perfect setting.

I find when we are under severe thunderstorms as we are right now present at 2:28 p.m., until 3:30 p.m. in the afternoon for the Will county Grundy county area, it's a perfect setting for a haunting story. I am presently in the cemetery where the famous Chief (Benjamin) Shabbona is buried with his ancestors. As we all know Chief Shabbona was one of the kindest native American Indians in the area who helped settlers from the Ottawa Illinois area up to Chicago. Most likely Chief Shabbona was baptized because he received the name Benjamin as his Christian name. Shabbona (or Sha-bon-na), also known as Shabonee and Shaubena, (c. 1775–1859) was an  Ottawa  tribe member who became a chief within the Potawatomi tribe in Illinois during the 19th century. The most prominent tribes in Illinois were the Illinois, Miami, Winnebago, Fox and Sacs ( Sauk ), Kickapoo, and Pottawatomie tribes. The Illinois Native Americans were composed of five subdivisions including  Kaskask

Haunting mysteries of the Academy

June 25th, 2021 the Strawberry Moon. On December 25th we all know we celebrate the great feast of Christmas, 6 months prior to that on June 25th a group of alumni with me Brother Ed gathered in front of Benet Hall to reminisce, to recall memories from the past, and also memories to make present among ourselves. With the help of Miss Mary Pat, who graduated in the 80s helped me organize for the first time a gathering that would be a awesome experience, and an experience that we hope that will continue. One of the things I found fascinating was that we had people from the 70s 80s 90s and way into the 200s, reminiscing about things that had happened to them, and it is interesting, to hear the stories, that keep surfacing. Stories that continue to hold tradition and mystery at the same time. Stories such as babies crying, doors slamming, voices in the gymnasium, roller skating sounds in the silence of the night in the old gym. It gave me a great deal of personal pride to hear some of the a

Haunted Lisle, Illinois

Benedictine University Might Be Haunted?   October 16, 2019   Dielle Ochotorena Perspectives Editor Benedictine Hall circa 1901. Photo Credit: Benedictine University Archives We definitely have a lot of school ‘spirit’ here at Benedictine University. So much so we’re considered  one of the most haunted universities  in the United States. We have plenty of ghosts and no darling, I’m not talking about ghosting people. I mean real actual ghosts, spirits, apparitions, shadows, demons, Casper; whatever you want to call them; they’re all over campus, and who knows, they might be in your dorm room right now, or chilling next to you as you read this article. All the ghost stories come from the 130-year-old history of Benedictine University and its neighbors Benet Academy and St. Procopius Abbey across the street. So, let me give you some backstory. History matters and this is how these stories come about. In 1887, St. Procopius College was founded by Benedictine monks from the St. Procopius Pa

Benet Academy lives on!!

In a few months we will be celebrating Halloween! And because of that, my thoughts and my own spirit leads me back to a special place in my life. Benet Academy, once upon a time, Saint Procopius Academy once upon a time St. Joseph Bohemian Orphanage. Just a quick history: St Joseph Bohemian orphanage was closed because in 1948 the Diocese of Joliet was formed, and that would make St. Joseph orphanage, and Guardian Angel home another orphanage in Joliet that made up two in the same diocese. So the bishop decided that they would drop St. Joseph Bohemian Orphanage and send the children either to Guardian Angel in Joliet, or Angel Guardian in Chicago or St. Hedwigs in Chicago in order to open the Saint Procopius Academy on the campus of St. Joseph Orphanage. Which later became Benet Academy when Sacred Heart Academy merged with Saint Procopius Academy in 1968.  Just one other note Saint Procopius Academy was located at that time on the college of Saint Procopius campus which later became I

Stay tuned for things that go bump in the night.

With the summer solstice that will begin this evening it is a perfect time and a Segway into what I'd like to talk to you about. A little over 4 months from now we will be celebrating Halloween 🎃. An awesome time of storytelling and evenings around the campfires having hot cider, donuts, s'mores and just being with friends who enjoy the feast of 🎃 Halloween! A friend of mine from Quincy Illinois where I lived for about 13 years, maybe 13 is the magical number. In any case the two of us are going to be sponsoring an evening of telling ghost stories, things that go bump in the night before and on Halloween night at the awesome Starved Rock Lodge in Utica Illinois. So please stay tuned. Happy haunts, The author🎃

A late spring night at a local Cemetery in Joliet Illinois

It's about 8:00 p.m. and I am sitting in a chair inside one of the local cemeteries here in Joliet. The cemetery is of Slavic descent, that is lots of interesting names to read and to try and pronounce. It's a warm evening lots of thunder clouds in the sky, but no really threat of rain it's just a slightly humid day with the wind blowing, and a perfect evening to just relax. So here I sit, quietly and all of a sudden out of nowhere there appeared in the east side of the cemetery a person standing and staring to the South. He wasn't looking at a stone because everybody faces the South basically in that section of the cemetery. He is still standing, and staring maybe he is somewhat in a state of deep prayer and thought, or some kind of prayerful state of mind. Now we know that this weekend is father's day, and lots of people come out to the cemeteries to put flowers on the graves and to wash the gravestones and to spend some time in quiet praye

What to do on a night like this?

The title, what to do on a night like this comes from a time not too long ago when I was in my room and sitting there and reading, and all of a sudden strange sound came from the attic. I wasn't sure what this sound was, so it intrigued me, it frightened me, but yet it enticed me to go into my closet and open the door and look up into the Attic to see what this might be. As I opened the door the sound was getting louder, but then all of a sudden the sound left the attic area and was in the bedroom area now. So I walked back into my bedroom and I could hear strange sounds coming from the wall, and those strange sounds were very interesting because it was almost as if something was scratching and trying to get out. Well all it took was that short period of time I was in my room when I heard that sound I needed to evacuate as quickly as possible. I am not sure even to this day what that sound was, but I am here now in the house, by myself, and this house breathes on its own the memori

It's in the Attic.

In March of this year 2021 to be specific on St Patrick Eve we friars moved into our new friary, located in Joliet, IL in the Timberline area off of Black Road. The house is nestled in the woods in a very retreat like atmosphere, beautiful with a babbling creek running through the back. We've seen deer Fox and woodchucks not to mention squirrels and rabbits that seem to inhabit our backyard. Just before we moved in I went over to check out the entire house. When I got down into the basement area which is half finished and half storage, I went into the storage room area. As I was looking around, the door shut on its own. From that very moment I knew there was something very strange going on in that house, at the same time I was enthralled that something like this was going to happen. Just think, living in a haunted house, just what I always wanted in my life. Right after we moved in, I asked where do you think the attic might be, and one of the friars said I don't think there re

Sacred Nature May 2021

Today's story takes place in Dresden Illinois, on the Illinois River and the Illinois Michigan canal. For me personally, to be out in this area, to be out in this beautiful creation that God has provided for us, allows me to meditate on the gifts God provides for us in sacred nature. What is sacred nature, I am sure our native American Indians could very clearly explain to us what it means for sacred nature, and how it takes place, and how we are the recipients of such a gift from God our creator. Sacred nature is anything that we see with our own eyes feel with our own touch smell with our own sense of being present with nature and with the sacred. When we look at the definition of sacred we know just by the name the word the phrase sacred nature tells us that we are in the divine presence of Almighty god. As humans we are very much connected to nature, we are connected because God, as created this for us, for our enjoyments. We here in the book of Genesis the first book of the Bi

Haunted Lemp Mansion St Louis Missouri

We're going to talk about one of the most notorious haunted places in St Louis Missouri. St Louis Missouri is known for it's many breweries Budweiser being one of them. The Lemp mansion that we're going to be talking about today in our writings was one of those famous breweries that sat on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi River. The Lemp Mansion was built in the late 1860s. Several people have died in the mansion some by natural causes some by suicide. Some of the experiences people have and I would be one of them. One evening we were visiting the left Mansion for dinner and, for a ghost tour. After dinner we began our tour by having one of the curators of the building give us a few appointments and history of the mansion itself. And as we moved along, we were in one room where supposedly one of the sons had passed away. And while we were there the piano sounded, just sounded, and I was splashed with water. We had no idea where this water came from and we had

Another adventure with Sasquatch

I'd like to begin by saying happy almost Flower Moon evening which will take place sometime very soon. The Flower Moon, of which native American Indians believed that on this Moon most of your plants would be blooming by now. Two nights ago as I was about to drift off into la la Land, I could smell the fragrance of fresh lavender coming from the lilac bushes in our yard. It was around 3:15 a.m., when I was awakened with screeching sounds, and snarling sounds, and growling sounds. Much to my amazement I woke up in a total fear of what was below me. My room is located on the second floor. And as I looked out the window, there was rustling in the woods near the creek. The wrestling became heavy and strong in its sound and the bushes and all the brush around it were moving back and forth feverishly. I could only wonder what it was going to be in a few moments coming forth from the brush near the creek. All of a sudden five deer jump out from the creek and ran past the house, there was

Springtime is in the air.

As I prepare myself for sleep. I hear the wind blowing, and the awesome aroma of lilac permeating my room through my window. The temperature outside is about 58°, it is just perfect for rest. I hear the wrestling of bushes and the screeches of coyote. An owl is hooting in the background, and the brook is babbling through my yard. It's a perfect evening for a haunting. One thing nice about living in the Timberline area is that is full of nature and the sounds of nature especially at night. What lurks in the fields in the woods along the creek? I hear growling outside, could it be sasquash or is it my imagination? What a relaxing evening, and now I just spend in these last moments before I fall into a deep sleep, saying thank you God for such a wonderful and beautiful day. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be open to your Spirit as I moved throughout the day. As I drift away I can still smell the fresh lilac what a wonderful evening you have provided for me. The stars are ou

Full 🌕 Moon - May 26, 2021 - The Flower Moon

Traditional Full Moon Names Wolf Moon – January Snow Moon – February Worm Moon – March Pink Moon – April Flower Moon – May Strawberry Moon – June Buck Moon – July Sturgeon Moon – August Harvest Moon – September or October Full Corn Moon (Harvest) – September Hunter's Moon (Harvest) – October Beaver Moon – November Cold Moon – December

Haunted Benet Academy Lisle Illinois

BENET ACADEMY St. Procopius Abbey Cemetery There is a Catholic High School in Lisle Illinois, by the name of Benet Academy. In its early years, it was Saint Procopius Academy and in its much earlier years, it was called St. Joseph Bohemian orphanage, conducted by the Benedictine Sisters of the Sacred Heart and the monks of Saint Procopius Abbey. I will try to give you more of a history of the orphanage later on but I would like to talk a little bit about my experiences when I was stationed at the Academy for 20 years. It was the late summer of 1973, I (Brother Ed, OSB) was assigned to Benet Academy to be the high school stationery, which meant I was going to be in charge with another monk by the name of Brother Columban, OSB who was the treasurer and the head stationer for the Academy. The main job of the stationer was to order all the school books and supplies for the students as well as the faculty and administration. It was also the job of the stationer to set up the school

The ghost of Margaret Ruddy

Our next adventure takes us to the Patrick C. Haley Mansion which is located on center street, in Joliet Illinois.  The Mansion was built in 1891. Over the years it was at first the home of Mayor Patrick C. Haley. Then it became a funeral home, and rumor has it that Mr. Haley and the funeral director haunt the Patrick C. Haley mansion. But I would like to add maybe a few more spine chilling entries in regards to this awesome home now used for weddings and special events. In October of 1978,  I was on my way to the Haley funeral home. A very good friend of the family and my grandmother's best friend Margaret Ruddy passed away, and was being awake at the Haley funeral home. I was quite late in arriving at the home, in fact it was after hours but the funeral director allowed me to come in and to spend some time with Margaret.  As she laid there I can still remember exactly where she was, she was in the center room on the first floor the coffin was in front of the window there was mute

The Frank Shaver Allen House, Joliet Illinois

Well hello everybody and happy Haunts to each and every one of you.  Today we are going to talk a little bit about the Frank Shaver Allen house that was built in the year 1887. The Allen house has quite a bit of paranormal activity history, and it has been documented and has made the news several years in a row especially around Halloween. In the 1970s, a local reporter here in Joliet had investigated the property and found that there were legitimate stories connected with the house. People who have lived there in the past and present reported seeing an elderly woman as well as another woman reportedly to be the Nanny of the house who used to care for a young boy who passed away in that house. Now the house inside is particularly unusual it really has no particular beauty, it is just a very common old run down home. And I think because it's old, and it really has very little character except for the outside, entices people to their own imagination as to really what to know that'

Haunted Estates in Joliet Illinois, Will County.

There is a mansion on the west side of the canal in Joliet just above bluff street, call the Scott mansion Harum B. Scutt Mansion at 206 North Broadway Street. It was built by civil war veteran Scutt in 1882, the Mansion went into foreclosure in recent years before it was sold in May after being featured in the local paper. This $4,960 square foot home is on the national register of historic places and is considered one of the more haunted locations in Joliet rumor has it that two children died in the home, and a teenager was shot to death during a party at the house in 2006. Soon after the murder, local historian and John Wilkes Booth impersonator, Seth macuskey bought the mansion, but died there unexpectedly in 2007 on the second floor landing. Many paranormal investigations have taken place in the home over the years visitors report cold spots light bulbs blowing out heavy dark vibes coming from the doll room on the 4th floor in which visitors feel a sudden urge to leave the room. O

Don't go in the woods part 2

News Flash Today is The second adventure into finding sasquash, Bigfoot in Pilcher Park, Joliet illinois. A number of people have been walking through the woods during this beautiful day and said they had encountered nothing, and yet there are markings on the tree bark and footprints everywhere of a family of sasquatches. Today a group of us are making an attempt to locate where these sasquatches are residing in the park.

Don't go into the woods.

How many times when we were young, our parents would say to us don't go into the woods. Why? What's in the woods that can harm us, frighten us, destroy us? These are the many questions that all of us when we were young would ask ourselves, and what did we do, most of us disobeyed our parents and took a chance and went into the woods. Growing up in the Wilmington township area near the Kankakee River, there were lots of woods, and I would go out by myself, and just walk through and look at all the things that's were created just for my eyes to see. One time, I was walking and suddenly a truck came barreling at me, scared me half to death, it almost ran me off the road I got off as quick as I could, and this man stopped and said what are you doing out here? I said I'm just walking, and he said you're on private property get out of here. So I went home as quickly as possible. There was an old cabin in the woods that you could see from a distance, but we never had the s

Another Sasquatch appearance. May 3, 2021, Pilcher Park

So we begin by setting the scene. Today it's gloomy overcast some humidity in the air and the dandelions are up and they are also seeding everywhere. As we walked through Pilcher Park, a feeling as if we were being watched was all around us. The four of us just stopped talking and we stopped walking, and we kind of scanned the entire Forest. We didn't see anything at first, but then it happened. It was right in front of us. We said to ourselves can this possibly be, and my friend who I was walking with said, yes it is what we're seeing is true. It is Bigfoot. We looked at each other and thought what are we supposed to do, run or just stay in our place and just watch what Bigfoot will do. We waited for just a few minutes and then all of a sudden, Bigfoot started moving towards us, but very carefully. It was as if Bigfoot was more concerned about us hurting him. And yes both of us the group and Bigfoot was enamored in the moment. Then suddenly one of my friends that we were t

Sasquatch in Crest Hill, Illinois.

Last night during the Pink Moon there was partial darkness with glimpses of heaven clouds full of moisture that was covering the lagoon on Theodore Street near Essington road in the city of Crest Hill just outside of Joliet illinois. A figure of a large man walked out of the lagoon, his skin was rough and scaly. I was walking on the trail and he stopped and stared at me, and I stared right back in untter disbalief at him I was filled with fright, I couldn't move I felt like I was in another dimension.  I said to myself could this possibly be Bigfoot? He was just as startled as I and then he began to run from me.  Maybe this whole thing about Bigfoot is truly a possibility. Next time you're in that area keep your eyes open for a large person, skin scaly very hairy, and appears to be frightened of us, then we are of it.

The Ghost of Hensel Road, Dresdin, IL

There is a legend about a man who lived on Hansel Road. Hansel road is located near the Illinois River in Channahon Illinois or Dresden Illinois. The man who we are actually writing about is in fact, Mr Hansel himself. He was in charge of the Mule Barn that is located near the Dollinger farm, an awesome place especially popular during the Autumn season, with their pumpkin patche, and tours of the farm as well as a corn maze. Mr Hansel cared for the mules that would take barges up and down the Illinois Michigan canal from the Mississippi River to the Great lakes. Mr Hansel also was a good friend of Chief shabbona, a friendly and kind man who is buried in the Morris cemetery and who is revered for his kindness towards early American settlers. The story of Mr Hansel is this, he's often seen walking the levee with a lantern and singing songs that causes people to stop and to pause and to listen to the very words that he's singing. The popular songs that he sings are early American

Whitetail Pine Glen Haunted Woods, Marseilles Illinois

Let’s be honest – forests have a tendency to be quite creepy, especially after dark, so imagine just how spooky a bona fide haunted forest must be like! Rumor has it on the night of the full Pink Moon, the shadow that the moon casts in the woods curses that area that the land was acquired by a Mr. Clare, back in 1857. Following a treaty with three local Native American tribes, the Illini the Ottawa and the Potawatomi. At first, Cark seemed to have some decent luck on his side, but it wasn’t long before his luck seemed to run out leaving him plagued by misfortune.  His home was destroyed by fire which stood near the present day boat launch on the Illinois River, which his family’s claim to the property meaning that it reverted to being park district property. That’s when things got weird! Three people were strangled and left lying in a ditch on the property. The crime remained unsolved until 1984.  Around the same time, visitors to the area began to report various strange oc

Haunted Marseilles Illinois

Deep in the wooded hills of unincorporated LaSalle County lives a very poorly kept secret... That of the man-beast which has been known to guard the area formerly known as DuPont ... Driving slowly among the giant aging oak trees you are seemingly transported back in time when forests were virgin and undisturbed . Navigating the twisting blacktop which winds it's way through the trees many have no idea of the many reports which have emanated from this area. One in particular regarding the smelly sasquatch that terrorized two hikers in the early morning hours of June 16th 1979 causing them to flee for in terror and leaving them with a memory which would haunt them for the rest of their lives... The many stories of the LaSalle County sasquatch remain today one of the most unexplained mysteries of the Illinois valley.... 

The ghost of Edith. 2021

The ghost of Edith Couch, a short but very might women who lived on Summit Street house from 1958 till 1970 Sounds of walking from the second floor. Sometimes up-and-down the stairs had metal on the edges that when you walked on it sound like someone tap dancing up-and-down, up-and-down.  Arthur her husband also dwelled in this house. As you can see on the 2nd floor, in the front, a purplish like light gleaming through the window, this was Edith's bedroom. And in this bedroom there was a door near that window that led into an attic of unknown. As mentioned earlier on the 2nd floor on the right side another light much brighter, where Arthur with sit and work his crossword puzzles come and watch his favorite television shows. Arthur lived there all his life with his two aunts Elizabeth and Louise.  His father died early in life and he and his mother returned to the Summit street home of haunts.  Arthur as young man became a fireman for the Joliet fire department. Ironical